Android Data Recovery
iOS VS Android: How to Choose
-- Tuesday, September 13, 2016

With years both operational systems become more popular and similar. Android gradually becoming easier, more comfortable and has more esthetics. All these features people appreciated in IOS. And IOS became more functional and now it has more opportunities for individual settings. We found out the main criteria and decided to make a review choose a winner! Today you will see the result of this battle! Let the battle iOS vs Android begin!
1. Equipment
When we talk about equipment there is a huge gap between these two devices. Apple is the only company which produces iPhone, that’s why Apple can control hardware and software compatibility. A lot of producers (Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony, Lenovo, Huawei, Motorola and etc) use Android platform. Because of it, you have a wide range of Android devices with different functions, price, quality, and design. For example, you can find Android smartphone which will be cheaper than iPhone but it will have fewer functions and worse quality, and you can find Android device which will be better than iPhone and have a lower price.Winner: Android
2. Apps
Google Play and App Store offer practically similar apps quantity: 700 000 and 775 000. Games, useful gadgets, photo editors, cheap essay writing services, etc. are available for both platforms. But I should admit that Apple has more serious apps’ selection. Moreover, because of the huge amount of different Android models, it’s very difficult for developers to create an app which will perfectly work on each device.Winner: iPhone
3. the Internet
At first, I should admit that the first smartphones which supported 4G LTE worked on the base of Android OS. 4G is a wireless transmission standard which is coming to replace 3G. It offers faster data transfer. If I would write this article some years ago then Android will be an ultimate winner but now Apple also supports LTE.Verdict: draw
4. Gaming process
There is a wide range of games for both Android and iPhone. But what concerns Android, there is the problem of fragmentation. Nevertheless, Android is still a very perspective platform for games. Moreover, you can choose powerful Android smartphone with a large display that makes gaming process unforgettable and amazing.Verdict: draw

5. Friendly-User
If you want to have an opportunity to customize each detail in your phone then Android will ideally suit you. Android is very open and lets other companies add some useful changes. Usually, Androids have a very simple interface. What concerns Apple, it also tries to do everything to be simple and comfortable for the user. Everything depends on your own preferences.Verdict: draw
6. Display
Until iPhone 6S Plus was released an ultimate winner in this category was Android. But now we can admit that displays’ sizes are practically similar! It is very important when you want to watch a video or want to play a game.7. Cost
Apple devices also were more expensive than others. That’s why student’s budget can’t let buy it. But nowadays Apple changed price policy and we could see iPhone 6 for 600$ while the latest Samsung was about 800$. Everything is still depended on your own preferences because prices can vary in different countries. Also, price depends on the time of buying. Actually, if you want to buy the device when it has been just released you will have to pay much more.Verdict: draw

The battle iPhone vs Android ended and what can we tell, which result can we see. First of all, I should admit that both companies improved its quality and it’s very difficult to see some radical differences between the latest iPhone and the latest Samsung models. Everything is still depended on your own preferences and on your budget!