Android Data Recovery
Creating The Perfect App
-- Monday, November 07, 2016
Solving World Hunger?
This should be the main objective of the app. Do you think you have a solution for the world or do you just want people to have fun? Also think about the monetization of the app and if this could actually be a sustainable business for years to come and not a quick fad.
Apple or Android?
Your app's purpose and audience will determine whether to go for an Apple (iOS) or an Android app. Android audience tend to like the raw, computing aspect of gaming, while Apple fans usually like aesthetics and visual clarity. If you decide to use both, you will have to make the app twice.

Testing 1,2,3
Many successful apps go through vigorous testing through focus groups and even an entire developer population. It is vital to grow and maintain one’s app and constantly get feedback on usability, costing and overall enjoyment.
Looking Good!
The concept of your app is crucial for the end result you’d like to achieve, but have you considered how it will look? Do you have creative designers to build an eye-catching masterpiece? It is vital that the app is enjoyable and exciting for long periods at a time.
Quantity Over Quality?
Referring to the testing phase, you need a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that you can bring out to market as soon as possible. This helps you get something out to show potential investors or clients for anyone to really start to believing in your mission from the get go.
The way you present your app in the app store needs to be thought-out. Icons that are bold and colorful gain immediate attention. Think of the 6 second rule; imagine going through billions of apps to find yours – you’ve got one shot!
Soft or Hard Launch?
Everything is ready to go. You are now deciding whether or not to start with a big bang or just get the app going. This is a personal decision for the app developer.
Once you’ve taken all these things into account, it’s time to get down and dirty and actually develop the app. Perfect apps take time to craft, test and apply – so remember, having a great app idea is only the beginning.