Android Data Recovery
Android Fail to Identify SD Card
-- Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Q: Some customers find that their mobile phone fail to identify SD card when attempting to adjust SD card partition or flashing your phone. No matter you use a new card or to flash your phone again can't solve the problem. How to solve?
A: You can download the auxiliary tool called "fastboot.exe" and copy it in the file folder of "C:Windows/System32". Then power off your mobile phone and connect your phone to the computer with the USB cable. Press the "Volume -" and the power on button and choose the fastbootn mode in the Hboot interface with the volume button. Press the power on button to make sure. Input "CMD" in the search bar of the Start menu in the lower left corner. After entering the command prompt interface, input "fastboot oem enableqxdm 0" and press the enter button. As the program has been restored completely, restart the mobile phone.
2. The system tips that SD card is damaged
Q: As you use the SD card frequently, you will find that the files that were installed in SD card display this information "the file is damaged", "SD card is damaged" or "SD card needs formatting". What's happening?
A: A large quantity of our customers regards it as a symbol that the SD card is damaged thoroughly and is going to change into using another card. Frankly, the reason why this happening is that browser and media player will build up some cache file in the SD card. After these temporary files get wrong, it will result in the SD card files wrong. Actually, you should use the kdsk command on your computer. After connecting your phone to your computer with the USB cable, press the "Volume -" and the "Power on" button simultaneously, and the "mounts and storage/mount USB storage" choice will be displayed in the Hboot interface. In this moment, the phone users will see the SD card drive on the computer and press the "Start" and "R" button at the same time. And input "chkdsk G:/f"(assuming that the drive of the SD card is G disk) in the pop-up window. After the restoration completes, go back to Hboot interface and choose "Reboot" to restart the mobile. In this condition, the SD card can works as normal.
3. Application that installed in the SD card doesn't work
Q: When the phone of the users was power off accidentally or was plug into other phone, you will find that all the application can't operate that was install on SD card by APP2SD and only left the shortcut on the desktop. Even though you reinstall the application, it will also come out some strange things. Why?
A: That's because the "android-secure" file folder that was stored in the SD card was damaged. Unlike on PC platform, when phone users reinstall the same application, it won't cover the original path but automatically use new file name instead. This is why there's some conflict on settings in the phone. If you don't want to format your SD card, you should delete the error data that stored in the ".android-secure" file. For you don't have the access permission of ".android-secure", you should connect your phone to the computer with USB cable and choose "USB storage device". Then, empty the file folder named "mnt/SDCARD/.android-secure".